What is a Baseball Steak: Recipe & Calories

The Delicious Allure of Baseball Steak

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If you’re a fan of baseball, chances are you’ve heard of the popular delicacy known as baseball steak. The juicy cut of meat is a favorite among sports fans and foodies alike, thanks to its unique flavor and succulent texture. But what exactly is it? Where can you get it? And how do you prepare it? We answer all these questions and more in our comprehensive guide to baseball steak, so read on!

What Is Baseball Steak?

Baseball steak is essentially a sirloin cut that has been cubed and then pounded flat into thin slices. It gets its name from its resemblance to a baseball glove: when pounded flat, the cut resembles a baseball mitt-shaped pocket. The steak’s popularity comes from its tenderness; once cooked, the texture is wonderfully soft yet still full of flavor. Plus, because it’s thinner than other cuts, it cooks faster – perfect for when time is short but you still want something delicious!

Where Can You Find Baseball Steak?

Because of its popularity among foodies and sports fans alike, most butcher shops carry baseball steak. You might also be able to find it at your local grocery store or farmers market during certain times of the year. Alternatively, there are plenty of online retailers that carry the steak – if you’re looking for convenience and affordability, this might be your best bet.

How To Prepare Baseball Steak

Preparing baseball steak couldn’t be simpler! Start by marinating the meat in some olive oil with garlic cloves or other herbs according to your preference. Once marinated, season with salt and pepper (or whatever spices you like) before cooking over medium-high heat in a skillet until the desired doneness is reached. When served hot off the stovetop with some fresh vegetables or mashed potatoes on the side, this makes for an unforgettable meal!

Delicious Baseball Steak Recipes to Try at Home

Are you tired of the usually grilled steak recipes? Then why not mix it up a bit with some delicious baseball steak recipes? Baseball steak is a thin, flavorful, and juicy cut of meat that’s perfect for quick meals and special occasions alike. Here we give you a roundup of our favorite baseball steak recipes, along with all the tips and tricks for getting the best out of this delectable cut!

Marinated Baseball Steak

A classic marinade is an easy way to bring out the best in any cut of meat, and baseball steak is no exception. Start by combining 2 tablespoons each of Dijon mustard, fresh rosemary leaves, and olive oil in a bowl. Add some freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste before adding 4 cloves of garlic, minced. Finally, add 1/2 cup red wine or balsamic vinegar and stir everything together until combined. Place your steaks into a large plastic bag or container and pour the marinade over the top. Seal tightly before refrigerating overnight (or at least 3 hours).

When ready to cook, remove steaks from the marinade (discard remaining liquid) and season again with salt and pepper to taste before cooking on medium heat over a preheated skillet or grill pan until desired doneness is reached. Serve with potatoes or vegetables for an unforgettable meal!

Asian-Style Baseball Steak

For something truly unique, try this Asian-style take on baseball steak. Start by marinating steaks overnight in a mixture made from soy sauce, honey, teriyaki sauce, sesame oil, and shredded ginger root (measurements depend on how much meat you’re cooking).

The following day when ready to cook – heat 1 tablespoon olive oil over medium-high heat in a heavy skillet before adding steaks; season with salt & pepper if desired. Cook until desired doneness is reached then remove from heat; let rest for 10 minutes before slicing into thin strips for serving (time depends on the thickness of steaks). Serve with cooked rice or noodles for an amazing culinary experience!

Baseball Steak Calories

Baseball steak is a leaner cut of meat than most, which makes it a great option for those looking to reduce their calorie intake. It is high in protein and low in calories, containing only 140-190 calories per 3-ounce serving — depending on the cut. Additionally, baseball steaks are rich in B vitamins, iron, zinc, and selenium. Thus, this delicious cut of meat can be enjoyed without having to worry about consuming too many calories!


Baseball steak may not have been around for long but one thing’s for sure: this delectable cut has already won over hearts all across the world! Whether you go out and buy some from your local butcher shop or make it yourself at home — either way — we guarantee that your taste buds will be thanking you after every bite!